At adurlandscapes Fabrics we are committed to serving and supporting each customer's unique creativity and sharing our love of fabric. We provide a curated collection of fabrics and products chosen with Marcy's discerning eye. Buying fabric on the internet is a new experience for many, and our goal is to make it a personal, satisfying and fun experience for our valued customers. We are located in rural Southern Oregon, on a park-like 4 acres, 5 miles from California and about 50 miles from the coast in a pristine small valley.


I facilitate and ensure the flow of fabric to our a nut shell I'll say I fill fabric orders. But that doesn't really describe what I do. My days in the ArtBarn are filled with simple processes so that I remain focused and tuned in to several things at once, and enable me to work in rhythm with the energy around me. Years ago I received a Thank You card from a customer that said ""How you do anything is how you do everything". It is a message I have taken to heart and affirm everyday.

This opportunity to work for Marcy has felt like a major Life gift. All my adult life I have been self employed along with my husband as basket makers, which is a very different mode of making a living in the world. Now I am surrounded with women who are strong and creative expressionists. Marcy encourages us to extend into being better sewers and tuning our fabric awareness and language of. Really, really, this is a dream job come true. It has challenges enough in all realms and plenty of fun and good feelings to keep me smiling inside and out.

Every morning I sip tea and hand stitch. At the end of each day I settle myself by stitching even more, for I love the feel of thread and the rhythm of the needle weaving in and out of cloth. Small little stitches while my mind slips off into day dreaming. I have spun, dyed and woven wool. Been a knitter always and since I became an adult, have sewn some of my clothes.

What fuels me? Waking up into my extraordinary life each day with my beloved mate who is a calm, steady, warm force. The natural world surrounds us: we live on a large piece of land where bear and fox and all manner of critters make their home. There are a couple of blogs I daily step into for inspiration; Jude Hill and Terri Windling...they expand me.


I help Marcy with organizing incoming fabrics and getting it ready for photography. In the ArtBarn I'm in charge of sending samples and fill in with shipping and cutting fabric as needed. Some days I'm in the garden and others I keep the recycling moving to the local center. I've been sewing since scout camp when I was 9 and over a lifetime do embroidery, hand and machine sewing. I enjoy the women I work with and Marcy; her world is a big YES, a great place to start from.


I help with incoming fabrics, rolling the fabric onto bolts, cutting for our cool combos, cleaning and a few other odds and ends. Over the years, I have had MANY different jobs, and this job is a dream come true. I am lucky enough to have my son with me at work when he is not at school (or sports - soccer/kung fu or on a play-date). The team I work with is GREAT!! The team inspires, motivates me and are a great influence for me and my son. I am constantly learning new and exciting things about fabric. I have been beading with seed beads since I was in first grade. My mom has been sewing most of my life (for decades), and I can (still) hear the rhythm of her old treadle sewing machine.


Katherine's charming studio cottage sits right next to the ArtBarn and she is a creative muse to us all. An essential part of the fabric buying, she accompanies Marcy on buying trips. Not only is she our on site go-to tech person, but she has an unerring eye for combining patterns and prints. Katherine is a whiz with spread sheets and does a stellar job keeping the records and itinerary for the Paris tours. An intuitive and practical designer, we all come to her for design consults on our sewing projects. Katherine is Vice President of the company, writing many of the fabric descriptions on the website, is our resident tech support, and much much more.


Paul is our esteemed tech guide/guru, responsible for keeping the website up to date and running smoothly. He helps us navigate the mysteries of computer glitches and updates, manages our FaceBook page and with Marcy, designs and facilitates our daily fabric reports. When Paul signed on to design a new website, he fast became Marcy's computer nerd-tech-brother, and is an integral part of our team.